Choosing Antivirus:
We all know and hear about famous types of Anti-Viruses but we do not know if they are suitable for us or not, are they
strong or it is just a reputation only.
So let me help you to choose your
1- To choose a good Anti-virus you
have to determine what kind of Antivirus can help you, which one is able to
protect your PC.
2- To choose the right Antivirus
pay attention for the following things: what are the aspects of this Antivirus?
Is that a good one or it makes many false alerts and it deletes all cracks and
normal programs and suspects everything like a psychic person.
3- Choose the simple one that you
should know how to adjust it, to understand it for achieving the best use;
consequently, you will save and protect your PC, to work with integrity.
4- Choose the Antivirus that fits
your PC components, do not use an Antivirus could affect your PC's performance
or it reduces the power of your RAM, Processor or could lead to a real hardware
5- You can choose your Antivirus
according to its rank between the other Antiviruses and here are some websites
that can help you choosing your Antiviruses based on rating.
yo can find the antiviruses ranked in this link:
Finally, the last word is left for
you; you can choose your antivirus based on your device, your needs and the way
it works.
The strong one of yesterday does
not mean it stays strong forever; every stage has its own hero.
Choose your Antivirus wisely
because your protection means your work, your money and your personal
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